- OMZ unforgottenYesterday, 22.09.2022, the Pioneer Park was inaugurated in Südstadt with access via Bischofsweg 48-50. The name is provisional. On the website for this project, there is a photo of the site from a bird’s eye view on the home page: https://www.parkstadt-sued.de/. At the lower end of the park in the direction of Bonner Straße are large piles of earth and behind them a fence separating the area, which has not yet been landscaped, from the Pioneer Park.This was the site of the administration building that was occupied by homeless people at the beginning of the pandemic two years ago. They… Continue reading OMZ unforgotten
- Defund the OrdnungsamtThe Kölnische Rundschau reported on 14 January 2016 from the Deutsche Bank’s New Year’s reception under “streamlining and harmonisation” that further branches would be closed. It was fitting that Lord Mayor Henriette Reker, who was greeted with applause, called for more staff for the police and judiciary. She also invited those present to join her in strengthening Cologne as a business location, saying that this was the “most impressive social policy there is”. The strengthening of Cologne as a business location promoted by Ms Reker did not become “the most impressive social policy there is.” For lack of space, the… Continue reading Defund the Ordnungsamt
- InvitationSaturday, 20 August 2022 – 11:11 a.m. – Vigil – Vacancy – Rally Because we do not simply accept vacancy, we meet every Saturday at 11:11 am for a rally in front of the vacant houses of the Russian Federation in Friedrich Engels Straße/ corner of Berrenrather Straße in Cologne-Sülz.Next Saturday, 20 August 2022, we expect as guests: Konrad Adenauer, Chairman of the Haus- und Grundbesitzerverein, Jürgen Becker, cabaret artist, Professor Jürgen Bremer, petitioner for the expropriation of the houses, Franz-Xaver Corneth, Chairman of the Tenants’ Association, Franz Meurer, parish priest of St. Elisabeth and St. Theodor in Vingst, Martin… Continue reading Invitation
- Mourning rally for Josef BerditchevskiKalle Gerigk had announced the mourning rally that took place yesterday in front of the house Gernsheimer Straße 17 in Cologne-Ostheim. This was the home of Jouzef Berditchevski, who was shot by two police officers on 3 August 2022 when he was to be evicted and resisted. Before the rally, an article by Andi Goral had appeared on report-k.de in the morning, which gave a different picture of the killed street musician than what had come from the other Cologne media until then. https://www.report-k.de/polizei-erschiesst-mieter-in-ostheim-er-war-koelner-strassenmusiker-und-spielte-vor-der-philharmonie/ Particularly impressive in the article by Andi Goral is the link to a “hier und heute”… Continue reading Mourning rally for Josef Berditchevski