Action Alliance against Housing Shortage and Urban Degradation, Newsletter 146
Wallstr.31 – Im Hasengarten 11
We have suspended our decision to demonstrate every Saturday in front of the house Im Hasengarten 11 for the tenants of Wallstr.31. The owners of Wallstr.31 have announced a template for a building application with the city of Cologne to discuss. Head of the building department Greitemann assured in the local time Cologne that the city wants that the tenants can remain in the Wallstr.31. The city wants to examine the building application, with which the trade areas are to be converted into dwellings, favorably.
Forced eviction threatens – that provides for protest in Cologne
For a city without violence against women and children
In view of the increasing violence experienced by women, it is worth remembering that there is still no sign of when Cologne will have the urgently needed 3rd women’s shelter. In March, the Autonomous Women’s Shelters NRW had demonstrated for this on Chlodwig-Platz.
For years, people have complained that homeless women in particular are victims of violence.
Violence in partnerships – Criminal statistics
Violence against women has many faces – and it often takes place in relationships. The BKA has been compiling criminal statistical evaluations of partner violence in Germany since 2015. You can find the reports here.
Expert on domestic violence: “Equality helps against violence”.
The situation picture on domestic violence is alarming, says expert Katharina Göpner. She also sees a need for action in custody and access rights.!5943595/
Violence against the homeless
Kicks and blows. Brutal attack in Cologne: group of men beats up homeless man
Overview: Violence against homeless people
Violence against and among homeless people in Germany since 1989
Map of documented cases of violence in 2022
Daniel Geschke: Discrimination and hate violence against homeless people
For a city without drug deaths
The current issue of Drogenkurier magazine addresses the 1,990 drug deaths registered last year
In Cologne, the commemoration of drug users who died last year will take place on July 21, 2023, from 12 to 3 p.m. at Vision e.V. in Neuerburgstraße.
Addiction and drug commissioner of the federal government Mr. Burkhard Blienert
Mrs. Prof. Dr. Imke Niebaum, TH Cologne
6th meeting of people with experience of poverty/experts on their own behalf
The meeting takes place on 02.08.23, 10-16 o’clock, in the premises of the Caritasverband, Georgstr.7, 50676.
The meanwhile sixth meeting is planned and accomplished together with poverty concerning as Expert*innen in own thing. Costs such as journey and food supply carry the free Wohlfahrtspflege North-Rhine/Westphalia.
Further information to the meeting and to the registration is to be found under or in the appendix:
Open Working and Networking Meeting of Homeless and Homeless People September 13-17, 2023 in Dinslaken, NRW.
The Homeless Foundation is organizing an open work and network meeting from Wednesday, September 13 to Sunday, September 17, 2023 at the Heidebrinkschule in Dinslaken, Germany, for homeless and formerly homeless people and people at risk of homelessness.
If this is relevant to you, mark your calendars now:
We will invite people to an online preparation meeting in early August 2023 to discuss further details about program design and (self) catering.
People who already know that they want to participate are welcome to register by sending an email to
Participation, accommodation and meals are as always free of charge, travel expenses will be reimbursed. The preliminary program can be found here:
Feel free to pass this info on to homeless and houseless people.
To read
Borstel, D., Brückmann, J., Nübold, L., Pütter, B., Sonnenberg, T. (eds) Handbook of housing and homelessness. Springer VS, Wiesbaden
Christoph Butterwegge: “Mietenwahnsinn” und Wohnungsnot als Resultat einer neoliberalen Politik für mehr Ungleichheit. In: Borstel, D., Brückmann, J., Nübold, L., Pütter, B., Sonnenberg, T. (eds) Handbuch Wohnungs- und Obdachlosigkeit. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Christoph Butterwegge: Material Inequality, “Rent Madness” and Housing Shortage. Backgrounds of a Cardinal Problem of Social Development.
Sarah Schilliger: Solidary Cities. Urban Politics between Citizenship and Charity
Dierk Borstel, Tim Sonnenberg, Stephanie Szczepanek: The “Invisible” in the Shadow of Society – Research on Housing and Homelessness Using the Example of Dortmund. Berlin 2021
STANDARDS 2018: Streetwork and Mobile Youth Work
Broadcasts, reports, news
Galileo: Inconvenient and anti-human: displacement of people through construction measures
Own housing is cheaper
Own housing is the cheapest option for accommodating people in need of help. Linke calls for more apartments in the sheltered market segment.!5943356/
“The Kiez was once the largest redevelopment area in Europe”
Berlin: In the Brunnenviertel, housing falls out of occupancy obligation – displacement pressure continues to increase. An interview with Tobias Schulze
Manuel Lutz, urban researcher, in conversation about the past and future of public housing. “The market could not solve the housing question”
In major German cities, real estate prices are falling again, but rents continue to rise Interest rates rise, so do rents
Even in Vienna, which is rich in public ¬housing, rents rose
The expert commission appointed by the Berlin Senate considers a socialization according to the draft of the initiative “Deutsche Wohnen & Co. expropriate” to be feasible. This result was unexpected, as the SPD had sent explicit opponents of socialization to the commission.
21.07.2023, 12 – 15 o’clock, memorial day for deceased drug users at Vision e.V.
09.08.2023, 12 – 16 o’clock, OASE summer party, Alfred Schütte Allee 4
17.08.2023, 15:30 Social committee
07.09.2023, 15:30 Council of the City of Cologne
For a city without homelessness
For a city without forced evictions
For a city without drug deaths
For a city without violence against women and children
For a city without deportations
For a city without poverty
July 15, 2023
Klaus Jünschke and Rainer Kippe
Call for donations
To further improve our public relations we need money:
Donation account MachMit! e.V. IBAN: DE53370501981011342704
Intended purpose: Aktionsbündnis
Translated with DeepL