Helping and political work
Poverty makes you sick and illness makes you poor. For decades, my most important concern has been to bring this deplorable state of affairs into the public eye and to try to give affected people back a piece of dignity as a social worker and doctor.
(Gerhard Trabert)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trabert, doctor for the homeless and the association Poverty and Health.
Doctor for the homeless for over 25 years. An interview (25 minutes) with the youtube channel Strassenleben:
Gerhard Trabert had run for the election of the Federal President for the Left Party.
On 2 June 2022, Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier visited the Poverty and Health Association in Mainz. On his homepage it says: “…with his visit to Mainz, the Federal President is following up on his speech to the Federal Assembly on 13 February 2022, in which he had emphasised:
Allow me, dear Professor Trabert, to say one additional word. With your candidacy, you have drawn attention to an issue that deserves more attention: the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable in our country. Not only do you deserve respect for this, but I hope that your momentum will be maintained.
Steinmeier is considered the architect of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s Agenda 2010 laws.
The measures announced by Chancellor Schröder in his government declaration on 14.3.2003 with the words “We will cut state benefits“[2] led to a Hartz IV rate on which one cannot live and to the largest low-wage sector in Europe.
Gerhard Trabert reports in an interview with Strassenleben that a single mother gets 2.92 euros per day for food for her five-year-old child. For years he has been calling for the Harzt IV rate to be increased by at least 150 euros.
Frank Walter Steinmeier was awarded a doctorate in law in 1991. The subject of his doctoral thesis: “Tradition und Perspektiven staatlicher Intervention zur Verhinderung und Beseitigung von Obdachlosigkeit.” It was published as a book in 1992:
His book ends on pages 391ff with the chapter “Proposal for a ‘Basic Right to Housing'”.
Mr Steinmeier can dare to go to Mainz empty-handed and call on a man who has been there for the homeless for 25 years.
Too bad Gerhard Trabert that you didn’t show him the door.
Social politicians Marion Heuser and Michael Paetzold leave the Council
For years, all the media have been complaining that social inequality is increasing. Not even the food banks can provide enough food for those seeking help. Instead of facing up to reality and stating that without an understanding of the causes of poverty and the fight against these causes, it is only helpless what social politicians can do in the welfare state, the Green parliamentary group leader Christiane Martin claims: “Marion Heuser has made Cologne a more social city”. Politics has degenerated into an advertisement for one’s own career.
Housing First has arrived in Cologne via Fifty-Fifty from Düsseldorf and the Vringstreff.
It is the Greens who refuse to house all homeless people in lockable single rooms and allow a CDU-dominated housing policy in Cologne.
Coalition agreement CDU Greens NRW
Nichola Dichant, state spokesperson for the Green Youth: “The massive injustices in NRW, however, are hardly addressed.” A “real social housing policy with a nationwide rent brake would have been the least.” (KStA 25.06.2022)
The SPD opposition is already calling the Black-Green coalition an “alliance of high earners” (KR 25.06.2022).
Henriette Reker meets the real estate industry 2 July 2020
Moderated by Prof. Christl Drey, CEO Haus der Architektur Köln, discussing with Lord Mayor Henriette Reker.
Michael Schleicher, former head of the housing office, now board member of the Generationensolidarität cooperative
Christoph Gröner, investor
“Incitement to discord” Alexander Mitscherlich died 40 years ago
With his work on “The inhospitality of our cities. An Incitement to Discord” in 1965, Mitscherlich attacked the loveless urban sprawl of monotonous suburbs of single-family houses and called for a revolutionary change in urban land law. An appreciation of “The Inhospitality of Cities. An Incitement to Discord”:
Programmes, news, news
US city of Houston lifts 25,000 people out of homelessness Dispute over Habersaathstraße:Way cleared for demolition The Mitte district authority decides on an agreement for the demolition of Habersaathstraße 40-48. The tenants speak of blackmail.!5861054/
Exhibition on violence against women and girlsi In the Magistrale of the Stadthaus Deutz (Willy-Brandt-Platz 2)
Housing as food
The housing crisis intensifies the conflict between tenants and landlords. Politics offers no solutions. Tenants must therefore look after their interests themselves.!5860729&s=Max%2BRathke&SuchRahmen=Print/
Online dialogue: Max Becker-Areal – a new urban quarter for Cologne Video:
Immobilienpoker – Die dubiosen Geschäfte eines Wohnungskonzerns “We focus on social coexistence”.
Ways out of the housing shortage: IG BAU criticises real estate companies and appeals to their responsibility
Escher Straße homeless project:
City cheers – SSM critical
600 power cuts in Cologne Why Berlin really cancelled its homeless census
Otto-Langen-Quartier and the CDU-Green coalition in NRW Short supply: prices for residential property rise by 12.0 per cent In the first quarter of this year, flats and houses have once again become significantly more expensive. Experts, however, give hope that prices will soon change from a gallop to a trot.
knappes-angebot-preise-fuer-wohnimmobilien-steigen-um-12-0-prozent-a-7bde1d03-41c8-46d7-be64-056ec6741d03 8 Dates 17-21.08.2022, European Summer University, Uni Mönchengladbach 17.08.2022, 2 p.m., Council 18.08.2022, 15:30 Social Committee 20.08.2022, 2 p.m., Domforum,
History on the Street Guided tour with Linda Rennings for the Women’s History Society
27.8.2022 at 3 p.m., City historian Martin Stankowski and selected vendors of the street magazine DRAUSSENSEITER will have a tete-a-tete and show that Cologne really does have a double city map.
Tickets for the good cause are now available here:…
8.10.2022 Nationwide day of action for a rent freeze
2 July 2022 Klaus Jünschke and Rainer Kippe
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